TCP/IP overview: why reset?Explanation of CMD commands for fixing network problemsReset TCP/IP on WindowsWindows 10Windows 8/8.1Windows 7/VistaXP / 2000 / NT / 98TCP/IP Reset on Mac

TCP/IP Reset reverts computer’s Internet Protocol settings to default and often solves connection issues. Resetting these settings is a common practice when dealing with “This Site Can’t be Reached” or “Unable to Connect to the Internet”or “Hmm… cannot reach this page” grey pages with error codes DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN or INET_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND. Please use the navigation panel to quickly navigate to the information on how to reset TCP IP specifically on your Windows OS version.

Explanation of CMD commands for fixing network problems

You can use different commands to reset certain network settings. However, don’t forget to run Command Prompt with Admin’s privileges first. Otherwise, TCP/IP reset won’t work. Otherwise, you might get Access is Denied error.

Netsh int ip reset – sets Internet Protocol Settings to default. The command rewrites two registry keys: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\ SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DHCP\Parameters\ Netsh Winsock reset – Resets Winsock Catalog to clean state. Winsock, in general, handles Internet application input/output requests.netsh interface ipv4 reset – resets all changes to IPv4 settings.netsh interface ipv6 reset – resets all changes to IPv6 settings.Ipconfig /release command gives up client’s IP address received from DHCP server. The /release command sends the server a DHCP releate notification so that the old IP address could be marked as available and used by other clients.Ipconfig /renew – this command is used to request a new IP address as well as fresh DNS data from DHCP server.ipconfig /flushdns command is used to clear the DNS cache and force hostnames to be resolved freshly and use the new DNS data. Check our a full guide on flushing DNS on Windows, Mac, Linux, Ubuntu.netsh advfirewall reset – resets Windows Firewall rules to default.

The following guide uses netsh int ip reset command. However, feel free to use additional commands listed above if needed.

Reset TCP/IP on Windows

Windows 10

After completing these instructions, your TCP/IP stack will be reset.

Windows 7/Vista

XP / 2000 / NT / 98

TCP/IP Reset on Mac

On MacOS or Mac OS X computers, TCP IP reset is known as Renew DHCP Lease. Follow the given instructions to reset your Internet protocol settings.