Even though global smartphone shipments fell by 6 percent in the third quarter of this year compared to the same quarter last year, Samsung maintained a 23 percent market share in both quarters — followed by Apple, which gained 3 percent market share during the period, according to one of the reports cited in the report. According to the other, despite not having the highest number of smartphone shipments, Apple grabbed 75% of the whole smartphone market’s operational profit in the second quarter. According to research by Canalys, Samsung is still the undisputed leader in worldwide smartphone sales, having maintained its 23 percent market share in the third quarter of 2021, according to the report. In the second quarter of 2020, it maintained the same market share as in the first quarter. A scarcity of component parts, according to the research, contributed to a 6 percent decline in the worldwide smartphone industry in 2015. Apple, on the other hand, boosted its market share of smartphone sales from 12 percent to 15 percent year on year, according to the report. It was closely followed by Xiaomi, which had a 14 percent market share in the first quarter of this year, which was unchanged from the same period last year. Vivo and Oppo, each with a ten percent market share, rounded out the top five smartphone suppliers on the list. In the third quarter of 2021, both Chinese firms witnessed a rise in their share of smartphone shipments of one percent year on year. According to recent research from Counterpoint Research, Apple maintained its position as the market’s leading operational profit and revenue producer in the second quarter of 2021. As previously stated, it accounted for 75 percent of the operating profit and 40 percent of the revenue generated by the worldwide smartphone industry. According to the study, the launch of Apple’s initial 5G-enabled iPhone models has been the key to the company’s success so far. The interoperability of Apple products, in addition, encourages customers to remain within the Apple ecosystem. Apple’s ability to charge a high premium for its devices has also enabled the company to generate the greatest operational profit of any smartphone maker in the world, according to a recent report. Samsung has occupied the second position in operational profit market share for numerous quarters in a row. Huawei just surpassed it in the fourth quarter of 2019 and the second quarter of 2020. Following Apple and Samsung, Xiaomi, Oppo, and Vivo ranked third, fourth, and fifth, respectively, in terms of revenue generation in the smartphone market in the second quarter of 2021, according to IDC. Xiaomi has been concentrating its efforts on increasing its worldwide smartphone shipments statistics over the previous several quarters. The Chinese OEM’s next objective, according to reports, is to transform its high-volume operation into a highly lucrative enterprise.