The Boy named Jose Bautista was arrested on Thursday last week by the Miami School Board Police, after the students reportedly gave a written confession to Principal.Mayan Dehry, one of the student at Bautista’s school says: On the other hand, one more fellow student Brett Curtis says: “We have almost 3,000 kids here who come to school every single day, who work hard for every single grade that they earn.” Bautista faces four counts of offenses against intellectual property, public records exemption, and four counts of offenses against computer users and all counts are felonies. He is a hard-working student and a good kid. “I’m sorry that it happened, but I know that these are super smart kids here and young people are young people. I don’t know that child and I’m sorry that he did that,” His aunt and grandfather told media. After the next day of arrest, he was released on a $20,000 bond. According to the court ruling, he will be on house arrest and will be required to wear a GPS monitor.